
Saturday, March 26, 2011

you decide

Having recently attended birth number 21, I am prompted to revisit 'the blog' :)

Every birth I attend brings as much to me (if not more), as I to it. The biggest gift I receive each and every time is the reminder that life is in and of itself, a gift. When I see a woman, having overcome odds that the majority of us can only discuss in philosophical terms, birthing her child with strength, realization, tears and determination, I am humbled. When I see a partner bend and stretch themselves to match that strength, fill the need, I am humbled.

Sometime in the last year, in the days following a very intense labour and birth experience, I was waiting at the corner of a busy intersection, chatting with someone from the college, when we were suddenly startled by a loud, long and angry honking. We looked in the direction of the noise and both realized we were witnessing... well, nothing.
Someone was having an enormously difficult time managing their patience in rush hour traffic and had decided to share it with everyone in the vicinity.
We both shook our heads, he said 'that was a rude honking',
I replied 'and unnecessary'. He agreed. I made the comment that it is hard for me to relate to that sort of reaction to traffic, considering what I see people overcome in birth.
He replied with 'I guess that would keep things in perspective! Life is relative'...

Life is relative. One of my favourite expressions. Every single thing, is relative.
Almost anything can be made to look less challenging when compared to something more challenging. And there is always something more challenging.

Dude having a melt down because of rush hour vs rape survivor joyfully birthing her baby.
not only is life relative, it's what you make it.
you decide.

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