
Thursday, July 29, 2010

and so it begins

Does every blog begin with something along the lines of "this is a long time coming" or "I don't know why I haven't done this sooner" ?? Ok, so I'll skip that, but I probably should have started this blog a number of years ago when my journey began.... perhaps I did not know it was a beginning? At any rate today is a great day as it is the 21st anniversary of the very first time I saw a new life birthing into our realm. The life was my baby sister, and the experience impacted on me in a way that I could never have realized at the time.

Over the past 21 years I have done a number of things, travel, work, play and become a mother, twice. Even though I distinctly remember, at the birth of my youngest sister, looking around the delivery room moments after she was born and thinking, "wow these people have got it figured out, this is for sure the best job on the planet!", it took until almost 2 years after the birth of my second child, to find my way back to that moment.
It was then that I stumbled across the Doula training course and signed up primarily so that I would then qualify to volunteer at a home for mom's needing support during labour and delivery. I had no idea what I was signing on for. That was in 2007 and since that initial weekend, everything in my life has changed. Everything. 
 And it is good.